FAQs - Using your new Barclaycard Commercial MasterCard

FAQs - Using your new Barclaycard Commercial MasterCard

Customer Impacts

Transition General  

I don't want us to move to MasterCard, can we stay with Visa?            

We're afraid not. Although we know some customers may prefer to keep their Visa cards, we believe that MasterCard provides a better solution for your card programme. That’s why we’re moving it across to MasterCard.

What are the benefits of moving to MasterCard?

There are a number of new benefits that you and your cardholders can look forward to with MasterCard.

1. First, you'll get access to Barclaycard Commercial online servicing (BCos), our new online servicing platform. This gives you:

  • a suite of standard reports covering a wide range of typical uses
  • an easy to use ‘report builder’ tool so you can create custo reports tailored to you
  • an account management module providing real-time auth/decline information
  • an Expense Management capability so you have a clearer view of spend
  • access 24/7 whenever you want and wherever you are

2. You'll also get increased country coverage for TMA (Travel Management Account)

3. And there'll be a greater opportunity to benefit from additional innovation developed at the scheme level

Can I choose when we'll move across to MasterCard?   

Your actual transition date depends on a number of different factors, including your payment cycle(s), the way you pay, and your file feeds. Just let your Account Manager know which dates you'd prefer and they'll work to try and make this happen for you.   

Can I open a new MasterCard account under the existing Visa structure to test it before I roll it out to the whole company?

We don't recommend this, as the data won't flow into our new Barclaycard Commercial online services (BCos). So you won't be able to see any of the benefits or really test out how it works.

Dormant accounts   

We have some cards that haven't been used for a long time. Will my cardholders receive new MasterCard cards?                                                            

We'll send new cards to all existing cardholders unless you tell us otherwise. So if you have accounts for people who've left the business or who don't need cards anymore, please let us know and we'll close them. This not only saves costs – it helps protect your business from fraud.

Credit Limit

Will my overall credit limit need to be increased to accommodate the replacement cards?

No, it should be fine to keep your credit limit as it is. That's because both Visa and MasterCard will operate from the same credit limit during the dual running period. So there won't be any duplication.

Old Visa cards 

Can we delay the switch off of the old Visa cards?          

We're afraid not. Any old Visa cards you have will be automatically cancelled 30 days after you move to MasterCard. This will be around 20 to 25 days after your cardholders receive their new cards. This works a little differently for online solutions – see below:

Virtual products (PrecisionPay/Tracker)

  •  The migration won’t take place on ‘Fire and Forget’ accounts that have been deployed
  • Before the transition date, we’ll add MasterCard cards so they can be used for deployments during the migration period
  • The Visa account number will stay active for 365 days after the transition date, or 120 days for Rail Tracker products. This makes sure any deployments made against this account number can be billed
  • After the migration, deployments will generate a MasterCard account number from then on
  • Your emergency cards will then be replaced with a Membership letter that includes all your account information


Will cardholders be notified directly that their cards are being moved from Visa to MasterCard?    

No, we've only sent this information to you, so please let your cardholders know about the change. We've included all the important information you need to pass onto them.

Card delivery

When will cardholders receive their new cards?    

This will be five to 10 days after the transition date.

New cards

Will cardholders receive new PINs?    

No, the PIN will be the same as the one they've got on their Visa cards.


Will the new MasterCards still be contactless?        

Yes, if your current cards are contactless, your new MasterCards will be as well. And if you have Corporate cards in currencies other than GBP, these will also be contactless. To activate their contactless cards, your cardholders need to pay by Chip and PIN first.

New cards

Do cardholders need to activate their new MasterCard?

No, the card will be activated and ready to use when it arrives.

What will my cardholders have to do during this migration?                             

We’ve made sure there’s very little that your cardholders need to do to manage the switch over. We’ve included the instructions and important information in the letter that comes with their card, to explain how they need to: 

  • start using their MasterCard as soon as they receive it, as their Visa card will be deactivated shortly after this
  • update their details with any supplier that has their card details stored e.g. magazine subscriptions or insurance

During the transition, will there be a period when cardholders won't be able to use their cards?     

No, to stop this from happening cardholders will be able to use either card for 30 days from the transition date (this'll be around 20 - 25 days after they've received their new MasterCards). But we do need customers to start using their MasterCard as soon as they receive it.

Can cardholders keep both cards?

No, their Visa card will be deactivated 30 days after the transition date – this should be 20 to 25 days after they receive their new MasterCard. Once they have their new card, they'll need to start using it right away and then destroy the old Visa card securely.

What happens if a cardholder is away when they're set to receive their MasterCard, can they use their Visa card instead?

They'll still be able to use their Visa card for 30 days after the transition date – this should be around 20 to 25 days after they receive their new MasterCard.  

Will there be any change to cardholder fees and charges?        

No, there will be no changes to fees and charges.


Can cardholders still use their Verified by Visa details?

We’ll transfer their details across to MasterCard SecureCode so they should be able to use the same details. If they do need to set up new details, it'll only take a few seconds.

German Cards 

Will cardholders in Germany continue to receive Chip and Signature cards?

No, as the German market is now mainly using Chip and PIN cards, we'll be giving these cardholders Chip and PIN cards instead. They'll get a PIN reminder with their new card.

US Cards

Will cardholders in the USA continue to receive Chip and Signature cards?     

No, as the US market is now mainly using Chip and PIN cards, we'll be giving these cardholders Chip and PIN cards instead. They'll get a PIN reminder with their new card.

Card Language

Is local language available on the back of the new MasterCards, where the cardholder has it today on Visa?           

Yes. If your cardholders have local language Visa cards, their new MasterCard’s will be in the same language.

New cards

If a cardholder loses their Visa card, can they still use their new MasterCard?

They can use their new MasterCard, but it's important that they report their Visa card as lost immediately to help prevent fraud.

If the cardholder loses their MasterCard can they start using the Visa card again?    

The Visa card will be deactivated 20-25 days after the MasterCard is delivered, so they'll need to report the card as lost right away and wait for a replacement to arrive. 

Will the new MasterCard be accepted at the same places?         

Yes, You can pay with MasterCard anywhere where the logo is displayed. Currently MasterCard is accepted in over 38 million* locations across the world, which is a similar number to Visa. (Nilson Report 2014*)

Direct Debit

Will existing Direct Debit payments change?         

Only the reference number will change, but you don't need to do anything to make this happen. We’ll let your bank know the updated Direct Debit reference number so that payments go through smoothly. We'll also send you a letter to let you know your new reference number.

Bank Transfer

Will I need to change bank transfers or online payments?

Yes, you'll need to change the 16-digit company reference number of the payment to the new company one. This is shown on your statement, which you'll be able to view through the new Barclaycard Commercial online servicing (BCos). Any payments received on the old account(s) number will be automatically applied to the new one.

Reoccurring transactions

Will cardholders need to update any repeating or regular transactions they've set up?

Yes, they'll need to update the card details with any organisation that they have regular payments with (e.g. magazine subscriptions or insurance companies). We also explain this in their letter.

Card delivery

Are cards shipped individually or can they be bulk shipped?    

We'll send the new cards individually, but if you have more than nine cardholders, let us know that you'd like bulk shipping and we can send them altogether. Just bear in mind that we can only ship 250 cards per package and we can only ship a certain number of cards each week – so some cards might not come at the same time. Your Account Manager can talk you through this.


Will the statement date remain the same?

Yes. There aren't any changes to the existing statement date.

Will the settlement period remain the same?       

Yes. There aren't any changes to the settlement period.

Will the cardholder see any difference in their statement?         

We’ve kept cardholder statements as similar as possible, but there are a couple of differences:

  •  the company reference number and card number details have changed.  These now begin with a five instead of a four
  •  VAT information won't appear on the statement of purchasing cards, but you can see this in Barclaycard Commercial online servicing (BCos)

Will the cardholder receive two statements during the dual running period?  

No, the Visa transactions will appear on the same statement as the new MasterCard.

Can cardholders view statements online?

Yes, once your BCos company administrator has set up cardholder self-registration, your cardholders can view their statements online and print them whenever they like.

Paper Statements  

Are paper statements going to be switched off?

Yes, we're switching off paper statements once you've moved to MasterCard – but you'll be able to access your statements 24/7 online through the new Barclaycard Commercial online servicing platform (BCos) instead. This is something we're doing across our business.

If you do need paper statements going forward, please let your Account Manager know.

Platform Impacts


Will I be able to run the same reports/mappers I do in my existing online services?   

We've looked at the most commonly used mappers and produced similar templates on the new Barclaycard Commercial online servicing (BCos) platform. These are:  R1006095, R1005675, R1005258, the Corporate Card Data File &  VAT2005.

Just bear in mind that they might look a little different, because of the way the two systems operate.

What's happening for reports that haven't been replicated in the new Barclaycard Commercial online servicing (BCos)?     

If you need a report that hasn't been replicated, you can use the new report builder function to create your own reports. You can find out more here.  

How long will reports be available on CentreSuite after we switch over to MasterCard?        

You'll still be able to access old reports on CentreSuite for three months after the transition date. Please make sure that you use CentreSuite to download any historic data that you need within that time.

Will there be any impact on SNAP reporting from Conferma?  

No, this will continue as usual. And this data will also flow into Barclaycard Commercial online servicing (BCos).

VAT data 

Can I get reports that are accredited for HRMC as my evidence of VAT paid? 

Yes, you can use Barclaycard Commercial online servicing (BCos) to download reports detailing transactions that qualify as evidence of VAT.  Once you’re logged in, click ‘Reports’,  ‘Schedule Report’ and then choose:

  •  UK Summary VAT Report
  •  UK LID VAT Report

Will the same merchants provide electronic invoice data on MasterCard as they do on Visa?

There are some differences between the merchants that provide electronic invoice data between the two card schemes. If you're using this data please let your Account Manager know and they'll work with the project team to find a solution.

File feeds

The VCF4 file is sent to my hosted expense management provider. Will there be any changes to this?

Yes, VCF4 will be replaced with CDF3. The data format used will be different, but most of the major expense management providers already receive files in the MasterCard format. But to make sure everything runs smoothly, you'll have implementation support to manage the switch over.

I'm receiving VCF4 file for integration into my back office. Will there be any changes to this?          

Yes, VCF4 will be replaced with CDF3. As the data format used will be different, you'll get  implementation support to help manage the switch over and to make sure everything runs smoothly.

CPA within BCos       

What's a Company Programme Administrator (CPA)?  

A Company Programme Administrator (CPA) can only access funcationality relating to their company within BCos. As part of this they can:

  •  view transactional data
  •  administer accounts for one company/legal entity within the business
  •  give access to one or more accounts within the same business/legal entity
  •  set up additional administrators (CPAs) and other Level Managers
  •  and allow cardholders access to the BCos within the same company

LM within BCos

What's a Level Manager (LM)?       

A Level Manager (LM) user profile sits below the Company Programme Administrator (CPA) in the hierarchy. An LM can:

set up another user within BCos (at the same level or below) to view transactional data at corporate account/organisation level

be given access (by CPA) to certain functionality within BCos to manage cardholder information (at the same level or below) i.e. authorise credit limit increases etc. at an account level


Will I get any training on Barclaycard Commercial online servicing (BCos)?     

Of course. You can find lots of different user guides to help you get to grips with Barclaycard Commercial online servicing here. 

But if you have any other questions or need more information, your Account Manager will be happy to help.

Will cardholder's old statements and transactions be in Barclaycard Commercial online servicing (BCos)?

No. Transactions and statements will only appear in BCos from the transition date. So please make sure you download any historic data that you need from Centresuite/BSM Reporting within three months of the switch over.

How do cardholders access Barclaycard Commercial online servicing (BCos)?           

Your Company Administrator can set up different cardholders on BCos if needed.

BCos - Reporting     

Are BCos reports the same as those in Centresuite/BSM Reporting?  

The reports aren't exactly the same, but Barclaycard Commercial online servicing (BCos) lets you build a wider range of reports to meet your specific requirements.

Product Specific Impacts


How long will the old Visa Tracker account be active for after we switch over to MasterCard?

The old Visa Tracker accounts will stay open for 365 days for flight and hotel bookings, and 120 days for rail bookings. But that means you'll need to use the new MasterCard accounts for any new bookings made after the transition date.        

Membership Cards 

Are there any changes to the membership/emergency card?   

Yes, we've started to give virtual card details by letter, rather than through a membership card. Once you've switched over to MasterCard, you'll get a membership letter with all your relevant account information.


We have an embedded card lodged with a Travel Management Company (TMC) or Supplier. Do I need to tell them the new details?         

Yes, you and your cardholders will need to give the new card details to any suppliers or online merchants that store your card details. After the switch over, you'll be able to see your card details on your Membership letter and not on the card itself.

Does my Travel Management Company (TMC) need to do anything because of this change?        

We'll have already confirmed that your TMC is enabled with MasterCard. So you'll just need to let them know your new details and ask them to include the data in their existing MasterCard feed. To make sure everything runs smoothly with your TMC, you'll get implementation support during the switch over.


Will the TMC data be matched for both Visa and MasterCard transactions during transition?          

Yes, we'll make sure this is matched for either type of transaction.

UK Lodge

Will there be any changes to UK Lodge product?

Yes, the UK Lodge product will be moved to a standard TMA account, so you'll get a new card. You'll then stop receiving your reports by post and will be able to access them whenever you need through Barclaycard Commercial online servicing (BCos) instead.


What will be the Payables equivalent on MasterCard?    

Payables will move across to Barclaycard PrecisionPay. There'll be support available if you need any help moving your programme across.  

Pre-Paid cards 

Are you moving Pre-paid cards across to MasterCard? 

No, Pre-paid cards will stay on Visa.


I have an IBU (Individually billed user) programme. Will I receive the same on MasterCard? 

A MasterCard IBU solution should be available later this year. In the meantime, your Account Manager can talk you through all the options available.


Will there be any changes to my Fuel programme?                                            

No, the Fuel programme will stay on Visa so there aren't any changes to worry about.      


Will there be any changes to the insurance on my programme?          

No, the insurance coverage will be the same as today.

Priority Pass    

My cardholders have Priority Pass through their Corporate card.  Will they still receive this benefit?          

Yes they will. If they’ve already registered for this with their existing Visa details, they’ll need to update it with their new MasterCard details in one of the following ways:

  1. Visit Priority Pass  and update the account details using the membership number and web PIN sent to them with their Priority Pass welcome letter

  2. Call the Priority Pass membership services team and update their details over the phone on +44 20 8680 1338.

Please remember – if they don’t update their Priority Pass membership with their new MasterCard details, their membership could become invalid and they won't be able to access the airport lounges with their Priority Pass membership card.                                               

AA / Ryman      

Am I still entitled to discounts with third party providers like AA and Ryman's?          

Yes, all current discounts are available on both MasterCard and Visa.