Understanding interest

Understanding interest

Understanding interest

Want to know more about how interest works? You’re in the right place.

Standard and cash interest rates

Your Barclaycard Payments statement show your standard interest rates also known as purchase rates, as well as your cash interest rates.

Find out more about how standard and cash interest works

Simple and compound interest rates

Your Barclaycard Payments statement show your monthly simple rates and your annual compound rates. It’s important to understand how compound interest works – the longer it takes to clear your balance, the more you’ll pay in compound interest.

Find out more about how simple and compound interest works

Bank of England Base Rate and how it affects you

Your standard and cash interest rates move in line with the Bank of England Base Rate. Your promotional balances are not affected by these changes.

Find out how a change in the Base Rate could affect you


When the Bank of England Base Rate moves (up or down), your standard and cash interest rates also move by the same amount. But what is the Base Rate and how could these changes affect you?

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