Balance transfer offer terms and conditions.

Balance transfer offer terms and conditions

The important stuff you need to know

How much can I transfer when I apply for a Barclaycard?

How much can I transfer if I already have a Barclaycard?

Is there a fee?

In most cases, there’s a one-off fee – it depends on your offer and your transfer amount. Details of your fee can be found in Barclaycard online servicing, on the app, or by calling us.

Are there any restrictions for balance transfers?

Where can I find my latest offers?

How do I get my offers?

Make your transfer before your offer close date. If you ask us to make a transfer within business hours (on a weekday before 7pm, not including bank holidays), the payment will reach your bank or other lender on the next working day. If you ask us to make a transfer outside business hours, we’ll process your request on the next working day and the payment will reach your bank or other lender on the next working day after that

We’ll sometimes do extra checks on transfers. If so, things might take a bit longer. But we’ll always try to get your transfer across as soon as we can.

When will I pay interest?

  •  If you lose your promotional rate: Your offer will end early if you make arrangements to pay less than your minimum payment each month. We will then move your remaining balance to your standard balance, and charge interest on it at your simple standard rate. Your simple standard rate moves up and down in line with the Bank of England Base Rate.
  •  When your promotional period ends: If you haven’t paid off the amount you transferred when your promotional period ends, we’ll move it to your standard balance and charge interest on it at your simple standard rate. Your simple standard rate moves up and down in line with the Bank of England Base Rate.
  •  If you make purchases: You can buy things with your Barclaycard, but remember, to avoid standard interest you need to pay your full balance, excluding any promotional balances each month or interest will be charged on anything new you buy from the day the transaction appears on your account. Remember to make your minimum payment on time.

How do I pay my transfer off?

When you pay us, we’ll use your payment to reduce balances with the highest interest rate first. If you’ve got two promotional balances at the same rate, we’ll pay off the balance on the one that ends first.