Understand your credit card interest

Understanding interest

Want to know more about how interest works? You’re in the right place.

Simple and compound interest

Your Barclaycard statement shows your simple rate next to your compound rate. It’s important to understand how compound interest works – the longer it takes to clear your balance, the more you’ll pay in compound interest.

Find out more about how simple and compound interest works.

How your interest rates may change

Your standard and cash interest rates will move up and down in line with the Bank of England Base Rate or for other reasons that we’ve explained in your Terms and Conditions

Find out how a change in the Base Rate could affect you

Our Repayment Calculator helps you pay us less in interest

The longer you take to pay off your balance, the more interest you’ll end up paying. Just by paying a little more each month, you could clear your balance sooner than you think, and pay less in interest.

Enter your current details into our Repayment Calculator and see the difference a few pounds extra can make.

Repayment Calculator

Your interest charges

Watch our short video to see how we work out interest charges on your Barclaycard. We explain how the amount you pay – and when – affects the interest you’re charged.