Know your customer (KYC)

Know your customer (KYC)
We need to keep up-to-date records for our customers to meet our legal and regulatory obligations and to help protect your business from fraud and financial crime.
We’re reviewing and validating the information we hold about our customers. We may write to you to ask you to confirm some details.
If we do contact you about this, please respond quickly to ensure there will be no interruption to your service. It’s a condition of your contract that you keep us updated with any changes to your company information.
How do I know this request is from a trusted source?
If you hold a merchant account:
Letters are personalised with your Merchant ID.If you hold a commercial card account:
Letters are personalised with the last 4 digits of your account number.The letter asks only for missing, incomplete or unknown information. As such, each letter may vary depending upon what is required. If you’re concerned and would like to speak to us about this, you can call us on 0800 056 3774 to speak with our KYC (Know Your Customer) team.
When do I need to reply by?
We need you to respond within the timescales detailed in the letter to ensure there’s no interruption to your service.
Can details be provided over the phone?
This will be dependent on the information required and can be confirmed by speaking to the dedicated Know Your Customer team on 0800 056 3774.
What is the return address for the form if the prepaid envelope is lost/not enclosed?
Customers are requested to use the prepaid envelope wherever possible. However, if you do not receive it or lose it you can send the completed form to one of the addresses below:
If you hold a Merchant account:
Dept. AP
1234 Pavilion Drive
NN4 7SGIf you hold a Commercial Card account:
PO BOX 4000
LE18 9EN -
Can I scan/email the details/updates that you need?
Yes, please scan the updated information that we require and email it to us via the relevant address below.
If you hold a merchant account:
Please email us at
If you hold a commercial card account:
Please email us at
I need some time to confirm this information. Can I continue to use my card (s)/merchant account in the meantime?
Yes. We’ll allow you time to review the information and respond to us. The letter will tell you the timescales you need to meet to avoid your services being impacted.
What happens if I do not confirm this information?
If you fail to provide this information by the date specified your service will be affected and we’ll ultimately be forced to end your agreement with us.
Barclaycard called me to discuss this, why do you need to ID me if you called me to discuss?
If we call you about this, we need to verify that we’re speaking to the authorised account contact, in order to discuss the account details. This is part of our standard Identification and verification process, which is designed to protect your account.
My details have recently changed, so the details you’ve sent me are incorrect.
If the information held on our systems is incorrect, please provide the correct details in the amendment column. Then sign it and return it to us. We’ll follow up with you if we need you to provide any additional clarification, or proof of this new information.
My company details are about to change again, what should I do?
Please verify the information we currently hold, following instructions provided in our letter.
If the details change again, then please contact our KYC team on 0800 056 3774 as soon as possible to provide the new information