How long will a payment take to reach my account?
This depends on your payment method, and whether you have an Amazon Barclaycard or another type of Barclaycard.
By debit card – pay from Barclaycard online servicing or contact our Customer Service Team by 11:45pm the day your payment is due.
By Direct Debit – your payment will automatically be taken in time for your payment due date.
From a Barclays account – pay using Barclays telephone or online banking services (you'll need to be registered for these) by 23:45 on the day your payment is due.
From a non–Barclays account – pay using your own bank's telephone or online banking services. Payments can take up to three working days to reach us.
By post – postal cheque payments can take up to four working days to process. Please also leave sufficient time for postal delivery.
For full details of payment options, please see your statement.
By debit card – pay from our app or Contact us by 23:45 on the day your payment is due.
By Direct Debit – your payment will automatically be taken in time for your payment due date.
From a Barclays account – pay using Telephone Banking or the Barclaycard or Barclays app (you'll need to be registered for these) by 11:45pm on the day your payment is due.
From a non-Barclays account – pay using your own bank's telephone or online banking services. Payments can take up to three working days to reach us.
For full details of payment options, please see your statement.